WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

 PTC Markhors group from WWF Eco internship BSS decided to work for reduce the use of Plastic bags For this we set an awareness campaign Cleaning initiative in schools to teach school students what we had got from WWF Eco Internship.

The Beaconhouse Times Online - Proud Beaconite

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

Ptc markhors visited government schools for awareness campaign agaist plastic bags

Plastic bags are extremely harmful as these can't decompose and remain a problem for land  and marine. Read more about Cleaning Initiative - Blogger. If we look around we found just plastic bags heaps. So question arises that how can we resolve this problem. Answer to this question is to educate, to aware people about how much harmful the plastic bags.
WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign


WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaignSo we planned go to the government school and aware the students. One of our member volunteers to set up a visit because her mother was teaching in government school. Early in the morning we just blindly finding our way to the schools it was extremely cold day in Gujranwala. Beaconhouse shcool was closed for the winter vacations in those days and there was not an official WWF session ,we had to convince the school admin. The security guards did not allow us to go from the school without permission of admin. So we went for Sir Arun who was at that time career counsellor of our school and he was the one who organised the internship, he could clarify our position easily. We just need a gate pass with his signature but yes this but always creates problems. So back to first but he was late on that foggy day and eventually we knew that he was not coming. We almost waited for him an hour but he did not arrive. Then another Mam who was responsible for WWF internship we contacted her. Requested her to get permission. This plan ended successfully and after a long convincing speech we were on our way to government school. Rida's brother was taking us to and in way we were planning about our session presentations.

Awareness presentation session contains

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaignIt was Friday so a half working day, and it was already 10 am. Now we met Rida's mother and she brought us to Principal Office. Now we had nerves in explaining the scenario to totally different person. I started with WWF Eco Internship and continued until our project Cleaning Initiative. It was hard for me to convince a principal  that what we are doing is absolutely right. She questioned so harshly and sometimes gave an annoying look. She wants the significance of our project. But finally she permitted us to go into the classes and deliver lectures to students but now problem- Our posters are not ready yet. One from three of us go for lecture It was a class room where teacher is present too. 
WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

And I have to deliver in front of them.At the end teacher left class room. I had arranged a board activity with students. 

Keeping it clean: It starts with you! – The Express Tribune Blog

Board Activity agaist plastic bags

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign
There was board preparation competition and a lot of fun as well. Then we all three moved to a bigger class where we all portions of lecture;

First Day at WWF Eco internship.

  • We told them the disadvantages of plastic bags
WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign
  • reasons that why these are harmful and 
  • how we can solve this issue.
  • We also had a briefing on endangered species of Pakistan and about the importance of Vultures. 
  • Session was ended with selfies pictures and autographs , which was a thrilling experience for our team.
  • Gave them alternatives of plastic bags.

Government School visit 

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign
While we were leaving the school we filled with students love. At home time we were actually totally free so we gathered small groups and educate them about plastic bags. we also recorded short message videos which is awesome. These kids really worth listening your blah blah.

Class Activity and ending quiz

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

Why Beaconhouse is the Best School in Pakistan! - Parhlo

Pictures from Government school visit by Cleaning Initiative for Awareness Campaign against use of plastic bags

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign
WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign

WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign
WWF-Beaconities visited government schools for awareness campaign
 PTC Markhors is a group of A Level  Beaconites worked for WWF Eco Internship.

Beaconite sets record in CIE exam | Pakistan | thenews.com.pk | Karachi


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