Second Day😃 WWF Eco internship in BSS

Second Day😃 WWF Eco internship in BSS On second day of WWF Eco-internship following are the activities which grasped us whole day in BSS . Blunder : Second day was started with full of anxiety and pressure that who will present project proposal. Discussions are going on and then i found that our Facebook page's screen shot was not in prepared presentation. At eleventh hour such situation made us nervous but we all cooped with it . Topic : Our solid waste management domain was all different from other groups. One of other groups decided to discuss the energy issues and other one discussed the School homework pressure on the Young Children. Though these topics are also very good but we want to stick our topic because we want to clean our surroundings and it was not just a topic in a project but our intention to clean our surroundings, its name also indicates same.😉 Lecture : The WWF Eco internship day always starts with a new lecture. second d...