
Showing posts from August 9, 2018

Saving the Sumatran tiger by Tomy Winata

Sumatran Tigers are need to save before it's too late because they are critically endangered. Tomy Winata rescue tigers and after rehabilitation leave them to wild even the cannibal tigers. Saving the Sumatran tiger Story of these two tigers will surely touch you. Forests of Indonesia are filled once with roaring of tigers but nowadays due to destruction of their habitat, due to deforestation and due to illegal or legal poaching,they are going to extinct.Here is the video Sumatras Last Tigers - The Secrets of Nature Story of Sumatran tigress It is that video which inspired me and I am compelled to write about it.  Panti and Petri are not the two tigers but the main characters of the story of Sumatra.   Panti is the female tiger who is cannibal as well but rehabilitation center decided to release her after rescuing. She was captured by the Rescue Team and shifted to rehabilitation center where she was under the custody of the Rescue Team for a...