The Race of Life: Exploring Injustice, Justice, and the Universal Journey

1. The Eternal Question

In the middle of every night, I wake up from my bed with wide open eyes and ask my Lord, "Why did You send me to this world?" This is not a new question, and I have been in search of the answer for years. But I am still unable to find the answer. We all have a lot of questions that originate in our brains and pass through our bloodstream. I would like to say we live a life of certain questions. This differs in the patterns of our lives and journeys, but some questions are above the journey, and they will stay with us until the end of our lives. Philosophy of life and existential questions drive us to search for the purpose of life and meaning of life, as we constantly ask ourselves life's deepest questions.

2. Questions of Society

Most of the questions that we ask by looking at the surroundings, e.g., why are the poor born poor and why can’t the rich help them? Why do people die of hunger, and why can’t people feed them? Why, regardless of being poor or rich, do people die from unseen diseases, and why does injustice prevail when everybody wants peace and justice? We question every cruel act around us, but as we grow, our vision becomes narrow, and we start seeing our own sufferings and stop asking the questions we were already asking from society and the people around us. Sometimes we become part of injustice, and sometimes victims of injustice, but this only shapes our journey; the question remains the same.

3. Theories and Contradictions

People around us tell us to try to convince us with theories, theories of the human mind, nature, and beliefs. Theories of evolving species,

Theories that the best and fittest win the race, but what about slow and steady? Did they stop winning the race? And why are we in this race of life? A race of the unseen. 
Theories contradict each other, and the question prevails. Victims become cruel, and injustice prevails. Questions may die sometimes, or the people who are living the life of those questions, but this world is becoming a worse place for generations to come. Because instead of answering the little minds, we kill the question. But does the question really die? This is my question.

But does the question really die? This is my question.

4. The Race of Life

I can share my story, my thoughts, or maybe my answers, but does it make any difference? I am living the life of my questions, and you are living the life of yours. The best and fittest keep winning the race, and those who lose will water the injustice. But does this best fit choose justice? Is everyone a part of the growth of injustice? Why are their questions wrong? Path? Journey? Or destination? But is it not that we all have the same destination, whether poor or rich, happy or sad, winner or loser?

5. The Prevailing Injustice

Then why does injustice prevail, and why do we not find the path to grow justice and peace?

Why can we not see someone asking for peace and the pavement to peace? Because justice will only be served on the Day of Judgment. Just ask the questions and wait for that day when the best and fittest will not be the winner anymore.


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