

Hot molten magma is sliding through the dark tunnel of my ear
Songs are beating my ear drums continuously in a random sequence
Anger in my veins is gradually growing as the drops of the molten hot lava touches the surface of the fragile neurons of my burning brain. 
Volume of noise of song is trying to supress the yelling of my heart
Heart which is about to die and taking its last breath. 
Songs supress its last scream, lava reached the flat plateau of mind. 
Brain is about to burst.

Echo of last scream of the heart was useless as the first one

Brain is dead now
Hot molten magma has vanished its integrity 
Hot molten lava has swallowed its dignity
Thick boiling mixture invaded my brain and killed it.

Brain was brutally burnt with molten lava

Heart was died in silence

Words only words left in this universe of life

Words jumbled up
Try to narrate the brutality of molten hot magma
Try to raise voice for the unheard screams of heart



Soul is at peace 
she jumped into the scene 

and hanged the words.



emptiness penetrates the depths of reality and shocks the silent wave of emotions.


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