Mahie Blog: Lust sometimes we just have a lust for anything

Lust or Affection

Lust or Affection,sometimes we just have a lust for anything.
sometimes we just have a lust for anything. 
Lust sometimes we just have a lust for anything. May be lust is a harsh word to say but yes it is lust !!! Lust to see someone for days of days. We do not bother why we are looking at them, we just want to look. It seems like non-sense but it is the truth. Just check your behaviour towards certain people to whom just have a sight intersection. It became part of our daily routine and if it gets disturbed due to unknown reason we just forget about this and do not bother.
Have you experience such a silent relation which is totally illogical and silly. Similarly, we have affections with our cups, bed, blankets and pillows. Humans have different associations with different things and this may be to some belongings or some persons.

 Sometimes we took this affection so habitually that we do not feel any need to know the person.

It can be due to so many reasons:

  1. We do not have time for such silly affections
  2. We really not affectionate just habitual.
  3. Someone in front of us does not give any sign of even resemblance.

If we looked at our behaviour and delete the extra sighted data from brain then we found these foolish habits. Our brain draws everything whatever you looked up. And if you repeatedly see something this can be stored more often in your brain and results in an addiction to expect same sight daily. But when we so often addicted to even see something then an emotional pulse must have been generating from this. But still, let it go.

Human approach: Affection

I had written this above blog in October 2018 and I surely share my further approach on this topic. This is a series of expectations and assumptions taken after the analysis of human behaviours and approaches.


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