One best Around : Environment

One best Around : Environment

We used to neglect the best things around us while focusing on the shortcomings. This is how we conclude society as well. Yesterday I was sitting across an institute Mosque and have seen a car rushed near the mosque. A man from back seat rushed to the mosque while another man with ordinary clothing came out of the front seat and locked the car and paced the other one. I thought that this is the beauty when an authorized person and his driver will stand in one row at one place and bow down in front of their ALLAH ALMIGHTGY. Is it not a good thing to notice around!
Why we can write about and un real bad incident and cannot find peace from daily matters?
There are both types of people around you. Sometimes we are so nice to someone but the other one totally irritated , and sometimes another one irritates you back, however, some people are been nice to you too. That's the beauty of life. But one bad experience does not mean that we have to let it go and change our behavior, or start judging others or even behaved differently to them. Our life is meant to remain nice, calm and peaceful. Because we have no right in any circumstances to go against the politeness.
One best: environment ptc markhors

Next generation: One best around

More over I am glad to discuss about the three phases on Shab I Barat. A night celebrated with religious enthusiasm around globe. Here around me it is celebrated in three phases. First is the noise of fireworks right after maghrib till Isha Prayer. After that until Fajar you can be pleased by the smooth breeze and different voices from Mosques. You would probably missed all these festivities, if you are out of station. However the fireworks are so annoying portion of all above discussed. Because people never concerned the peace of neighbors and aged ones and use any sort of material to burn and explode. This could be discouraged and a healthy symbol of Shab I Barat must be introduced to our next generations!


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