WWF tasked us to sell the WWF shirts imprinted with snow leopards and WWF monogram. It's a part of awareness campaign for survival of endangered species Snow leopard.

Before the third day of internship, we were ( we= group) supposed to sell all the shirts given to us. each group has 10 members and got 20 shirts. seemingly 2 per person.But things would always changed when in men's hands. we have to go to shops and roads and homes in order to sell the shirts by making them aware as well. awareness of Snow leopard awareness about how shirts imprinted with snow leopard and WWF can spread message. message of saving earth, nature and Snow Leopard.
SO, responsibilities were divided sch that girls will take  two or four shirts and sold them in neighborhood and relatives on other hand boys took more shirts and conquered the markets.
Surprisingly they did all this same. boys have many interesting stories about how people ignore them, how badly they were treated and how successfully they returned with all shirts sold.It was an eye opening experience for all of us.Before touching their stories I would like to share my experience.
Whats app and Facebook campaign
 I came home and tried to tell these Snow Leopard stories to my friends. Then we-- me and one other team member -- wrote a message containing all details and picture of shirts and send to all contacts. We get good response but no one was ready to but it 😣.Not only whats app we also did same on Facebook . Unfortunately, one girl admitted but we both cant sell to single girl. Then at dinner I took matter to my family. Then my shirts were bought by my sister.😊 So girls luckily sold them to their relatives.

Whats app and Facebook campaignWhats app and Facebook campaignWhats app and Facebook campaign

Boys although dared to go to the markets and sell their shirts to the public. They actually grabbed the attention of people then they gave them details of Snow leopard and the importance that why we have ought to save the snow leopard and spread the message by buying these shirts. Because buying is actually a mode of donation which is given to WWF in order to have more revenue for rescuing the snow leopard which is only found in Pakistan. This species is very rare. So Pakistanis have responsibility of saving it from extinction.
These boys also knocked the doors of neighbourhood and tried to convince the people. Convince them  to buy these shirts and convince them that their 1000 rupees is not more than the life of snow leopard which is our responsibility. If we cannot go to the forests and make efforts to save the snow leopard but we can donate here by buying the shirt and giving donations to WWF which have many projects to save this species for our future Nations generations. Sadly many people refused to listen to them ,many people refused to open the door, many people don't let them speak, many people ignore them at once. It was like beggein people just for shirts which is solution to national problem and not  an individual problem of these guys. Moreover it's the duty rather task by WWF. They were doing while having brand (WWF) imprinted on the shirts. 
Though some people refused to buy the shirts but respect they gave to our sermon was so much important for us. It gave us energy to work for this WWF and it shows that we were doing a very good job rather noble deed. This feeling still overcomes me and can't described in words.WWF Eco Internship : A lot to learn


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