First Day at WWF Eco internship.

First day of WWF Eco internship was a day when i got to know about awareness.
Now I am telling you more about the activities planned for the Eco internship at Beacon house PTC.
  • Introduction
 It's all about W.W.F and Eco internship.Introduction key points were written already on previous post.
  • Video about W.W.F
it was actually a documentary on services of organisation in Pakistan and other countries.
  • Discussion about endangered species
  • Lecture on Environment 
  • Documentary on MARKHORS
Image result for markhors
Markhors being the national animals of Pakistan very special species. but sadly it is endangered one. So  factors about its extincting were discussed.
Here is that documentary by WWF.
  • Activities

Here we all divided into four groups. Each group consists about 9 to 10 members. Sir Haris was conducting this activity session. Each group allowed o decide 2 leaders male and female and a group name.
here  is id of Sir Haris
Naming of group
Our group decided a name 'PTC MARKHORS'. in this way we can not only naming but also begins a campaign for survival of markhors. PTC was part of our school's name.
                    other goups named them as 'BSS HAWKS' etc.  
      Two leaders were selected for the harmony and peace of the group. Senior                         students were selected as members. 
Instructions were given about following tasks
Task 1  "Paper tower" & a ball on top
We were given 10 pages , one sticking tape and one ball. We have to build a tallest tower and a ball must be stay at top. It seems difficult and it was also we were free to get aid from internet and you tube was in our hands . So we tried different ways we actually loss that round as we had smallest tower but its happiness that at least we had one.

This activity had a purpose to utilize your sources to get 100 percent.
Task 2 Facebook Page
We actually made one and every group was struggling to have highest links.
Task 3 what's app group
yep we all have to discuss a lot of stuff so yes.
Task 4 logo 
It was not only decided but designed by one of our member.Here it is
Task 5 searching topic for final project
This is mind blowing. After the five days internship we have to submit our final project in which we must worked on three aspects
  1. search
  2. action
  3. awareness
With this that first day activities are ended and our home activities all are started. How we coped all this  for this read next post.
WWF Eco Internship : A lot to learn


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